After 23 years at Wayne State University, ending as a Professor in the Department of Oncology and the Associate Center Director for Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination, I’m thrilled to announce that I am the newly appointed Director of the Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank (KTB), a tenured Professor at Indiana University in the Fairbanks School of Public Health, and a Scientific Member in the Cancer Prevention and Control Program at Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center.
In addition to my research I am deeply committed to career development and training, with particular focus on developing opportunities for underrepresented students in the biomedical sciences (1T32GM139807 and Komen GTDR, both MPI at Wayne State University). I have also served in various roles focused on the enhancement of diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Involvement in these activities allows me to collaborate and to implement programs critical to support an environment of inclusive excellence.
Research Interests
My research focus is on genetic and molecular factors in female cancers that impact disease incidence or prognosis in underserved populations. Currently, I am PI of a NCI R01 to examine molecular alterations in high grade endometrial cancers and am actively engaged in analyzing data and biospecimens from African American women with benign breast disease (BBD) and subsequent invasive cancers. I have an extensive history of successful national and international research collaborations, in breast, endometrial, ovarian, and lung cancers. My expertise in the design and conduct of epidemiologic studies allows me to work across cancer types in multidisciplinary research teams.
Current Projects
Director, Komen Tissue Bank: The only source of normal breast tissue from healthy donors
PI: Molecular Classification of High Grade Endometrial Cancers: Extending TCGA Findings to a Diverse Population (R01CA200864-01A1)