Every fall and spring, the Health Services Management program invites internship sites to participate in Internship Interview Day. The event provides health care organizations and nonprofits the opportunity to interview top internship candidates all in one place at one time.
Health Services Management Internship Interview Day - for students
How it works
Career Preparation in Health Services Management (PBHL-H379) is designed to be taken the semester before your capstone internship course (PBHL-H475). In the Career Preparation course, you will learn how to prepare for, apply for, and interview for capstone internship opportunities. Furthermore, the course will culminate with your participating in Internship Interview Day. The following are the steps you will take during PBHL-H379.
- A list of internship opportunities will be released in PBHL-H379: Career Preparation in Health Services Management. You will rank the internships you are most interested in interviewing for.
- Your résumé will be sent to each site you are interested in. Internship sites will select who they would like to interview.
- You will receive an interview schedule.
- You will attend Internship Interview Day and conduct your interviews.
- After interviews, you will rank the internship sites you are most interested in.
- The Health Services Management program will announce internship matches based on organization rankings and student rankings
- You will meet with your new internship site and set a start date!
What students say about Internship Interview Day
“Internship Interview Day was such a success! I landed a great internship that I never would have had the opportunity to interview for outside of the event. -Kay’Lei Minor
“Internship Interview Day set me up with an internship that helped provide me with invaluable experience and guidance for my career! It opened my eyes to a world of opportunity!” - Blake Surface
“The preparation we did in the Career Preparation course helped me feel more confident and prepared going into the interviews. My interviews all went smoothly and I landed a great internship!” - Sarah Forbes