DrPH in Global Health Leadership

Annual lecture

The DrPH program hosts an annual lecture to launch the executive visit in August. This year the program welcomed Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak, MD, PhD, director of the Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, who presented "Andrija Stampar's Legacy: Founding the WHO and Shaping Global Health Leadership."

Who will benefit from this program?

drph-course.JPGThe target audience is mid- to senior-level professionals anywhere in the world working full time in organizations in which they have the ability to influence the health of populations. We seek scholars from a wide range of backgrounds, including nonprofit and for-profit health care settings, NGOs, nonprofit organizations, pharma, government agencies, ministries of health, foundations, as well as non-traditional settings.

A hallmark of the program is the variety of backgrounds, experiences, and geographic locations of our scholars. Our goal is to admit cohorts of scholars who bring different perspectives, to inspire each other to think creatively.

Successful applicants will, at minimum, have strong academic records, a master’s degree (not necessarily in public health), and leadership experience in positions with substantial management responsibility in varied public health settings. We seek individuals who aspire to practice-oriented careers and leadership roles in organizations in which they can have maximum influence on the public’s health.








A focus on leadership development

Learning is achieved experientially, through highly interactive debates and discussions. Rich exchanges happen in real time, regardless of where in the world scholars are located. Leadership skills are cultivated in the program through different experiences and exposure to a wide range of perspectives.

At the Fairbanks School of Public Health program, we offer unique advantages, including:

  • Global curriculum. All courses are internationalized. Competencies gained are applicable whether individuals live and work in Indiana, the U.S., or anywhere in the world.
  • Global faculty. In addition to U.S.-based faculty, program faculty include international experts based in other parts of the world.
  • Global network. The program leverages relationships with other schools and programs, with opportunities to collaborate with faculty and scholars around the world.
*Above rates are for tuition only. Other fees apply. Use the tuition calculator to estimate your total costs.

Curriculum and competencies

All DrPH candidates must satisfactorily complete a 45 credit, online curriculum. The doctoral program in global health leadership (DrPH) competencies are aligned with the CEPH foundational competencies. Program graduates are expected to apply a global perspective to their mastery of all program competencies