Dr. Robert Roy has been a toxicologist at 3M for 23 years. Rob is currently a Lead Toxicology Specialist in the Corporate Toxicology and Environmental Sciences group of the 3M Environment, Health, Safety and Product Stewardship organization. At 3M he has been actively involved in the support of the global toxicology (and regulatory toxicology) efforts of many of 3M divisions and business units. Some of these toxicologically-related activities include the placing, monitoring and evaluation of both short-term and longer-term toxicity studies, developing detailed health hazard assessments for base chemicals, intermediates, and industrial and consumer products, developing health-based guidance values (e.g. OELs, REACH DNELs and DMELs, ADIs/TDIs, carcinogenic slope factors, NSRLs and MADLs, drinking water guidelines, etc.) and the preparation of human health risk/safety assessments for industrial and consumer products (including for CA Prop65). Rob has been the Chair of the 3M Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) committee for over 20 years and serves on many internal 3M committees and work groups, including the 3M IRB.
Rob has been a Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology (ABT) since 1994 and served on the ABT Board of Directors from 2013 – 2017. In addition to being a member of the faculty at Indiana University’s Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Rob is also very actively involved in teaching and advising students at the graduate level at University of Minnesota where he is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Public Health (Toxicology Graduate Program). He also serves on the editorial boards of toxicology journals, is an elected Fellow of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences (ATS), is actively involved in development and teaching of CE courses in toxicology and risk assessment for the Society of Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC) and the American College of Toxicology (ACT), has served on the Society of Toxicology (SOT) CE Committee, is a 25-year member of the national OEL-developing Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels (WEEL) Committee, is a current member of the NIOSH Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) and serves/has served on several ACC, University of Minnesota, AIHA, ANSI, and ECETOC-sponsored committees and work groups.