Public Health System Challenges – December 9, 9-11am
This session will cover the most significant challenges facing public health in Indiana including how public health is funded and home rule. Additionally, this session will cover areas not traditionally associated with public health that affect the health of communities.
Paul Halverson, DrPH, Founding Dean and Professor, Fairbanks School of Public Health
Virginia Caine, MD, Director, Marion County Public Health Department
Robert Einertz, MD, Health Officer, St. Joseph County
Richard Feldman, MD, Family Medicine, Franciscan Health
Stephen Jay, MD, Professor Emeritus, Fairbanks School of Public Health
Judy Monroe, MD, President and CEO, CDC Foundation
Cost of Care – December 16, 9-11am
Rising health care costs are of concern to Indiana consumers, employers, policymakers, health care providers, and other health care stakeholders, especially because of poor health outcomes in the state. Several recent analyses have elevated the discussion about the prices of hospital care in our state. However, many factors contribute to overall health care costs beyond price. Any policy interventions, based upon a limited understanding of the larger context, unnecessarily risks positioning stakeholders against each other without addressing the overall problem.
Nir Menachemi, PhD, Executive Associate Dean and Chief Operating Officer, Professor, and Fairbanks Endowed Chair, Fairbanks School of Public Health
Legislation – January 13, 9-11am
Learn how the process works for public health legislation and what is expected to happen in the next session. This session will also provide examples of how policy may not appear to be public health related, but has significant consequences to the public’s health.
Heather Harris, JD, Partner, Barnes & Thornburg
Virginia Caine, MD, Director, Marion County Public Health Department
Tory Castor, JD, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, IU Health
Luke Kenley, JD, former State Senator, Co-Chair Governor's Public Health Commission
Anne Hathaway, President & CEO, Hathaway Strategies
Infectious Diseases – January 20, 9-11am
An overview of infectious diseases – what they are and how they have the potential for global impact. Learn how and why infectious diseases emerge and spread among different populations, and what public health interventions can stop the spread of potentially deadly diseases.
Shandy Dearth, MPH, Director of the Center for Public Health Practice, Fairbanks School of Public Health
Thomas Duszynski, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor, Epidemiology Education Director and MPH Program Director
Health Data – January 27, 9-11am
Who has the most up-to-date data? Where do you find data regarding health? How do you find timely data? What are local resources available for data?