This newsletter is for stakeholders of the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health in response to the rapidly changing situation with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The newsletter will be sent weekly and will include FSPH COVID-19 related stories. If you do not wish to receive this information, please send an email to, and you will no longer receive this email.
COVID-19 Updates from the Fairbanks School of Public Health
How to Balance Health and Safety
Indiana Trails General Manager Gary Davis speaks with special guest Dr. Terrell W. Zollinger regarding how to balance our health and safety with the need to get outside and be physically active in this debut video from Indiana Trails TV.
Reopening Updates with IUPUI Epidemiologist Tom Duszynski
Tom Duszynski joins the podcast On Topic to discuss what scientists have learned about Covid-19 in the last few weeks, how we're doing bending the curve of confirmed cases, how states will re-open and much more.
Student Intern Helps Address Food Insecurity in Indiana
Due to COVID-19, Megan Lisch began her internship with Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Office of Healthy Opportunities early. Lisch helped the team launch a Food Assistance Availability Map, which is a small piece of Operation Food, a project addressing food insecurity in Indiana.
Virtual Public Health on Tap: Statewide Random Sample Testing
Dr. Paul Halverson and Dr. Nir Menachemi will discuss the COVID-19 Random Sample Study on June 8 at 5pm. In collaboration with the Indiana State Department of Health, the Fairbanks School of Public Health at IUPUI is conducting a scientific study to measure the spread of COVID-19 throughout the state. The closely monitored study will be conducted in four phases over the next year. We invite you to join us for a presentation and discussion via Zoom.
Contact Tracing Job Opportunity
ISDH is recruiting candidates for remote, paid contact tracing positions for the COVID-19 response in Indiana. The opportunity allows candidates to receive training in case investigation methods and epidemiology of infectious disease. Primary duties include calling individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 and their identified contacts. All work will be conducted from home.
FSPH Experts in the News: COVID-19 (May 1-9, 2020)
- Indiana's Plan to Reopen
WFYI's All In, May 7, 2020 | Shandy Dearth & Joshua Vest - Indiana reopening projected to increase COVID-19 deaths by 543%
IndyStar, May 6, 2020 | Shandy Dearth - State health department agrees COVID-19 cases may have already peaked, but is still watching plateau
WRTV, May 5, 2020 | Brian Dixon - St. Joseph County order on masks and hand sanitizer: What you need to know
South Bend Tribune, May 5, 2020 | Ross Silverman - Indiana Healthcare Capacity Far From Overwhelmed Despite Rise In COVID-19 Cases
Indiana Public Media, May 1, 2020 | Brian Dixon
Share Your Story
The coronavirus pandemic has led to a myriad of public health efforts that can easily go unnoticed. If you have volunteered, worked on a project, conducted research, or completed any unique effort related to COVID-19, and would like to share it with the Fairbanks School of Public Health, we would love to hear from you.
The impact you make goes far and can inspire others!
Students: How Can We Support You?
The best part of our school is you. Each of you chose public health and health administration because you wanted to make a difference in the world. We hope you will take a minute to let us know how we can support you during these unprecedented times.
View Previous Issues of This Newsletter
This is the fourth issue of our COVID-19 update newsletter. Previous issues of our newsletter are available on our website.
If you believe you have COVID-19
IU Health has launched a virtual clinic to offer individuals in Indiana regardless of age free Coronavirus (COVID-19) screenings using the IU Health Virtual Visit app. Staffed 24/7 with IU Health physicians, advance practice providers and registered nurses, the clinic will screen patients from home, potentially eliminating the need to visit physician offices, urgent cares or emergency departments.