IUPUI, ISDH release findings from Phase 2 of COVID-19 testing in Indiana
Results from the second phase of a scientific study of statewide random testing aimed at measuring the spread of the novel coronavirus in Indiana show fewer active infections and a greater number of people testing positive for antibodies.
"Taken together, this is evidence that the virus has slowed its spread within Indiana," said Nir Menachemi, lead scientist on the study and a professor and Fairbanks Endowed Chair in the Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IUPUI. "We currently have more people previously infected than are currently infected."
This announcement was covered by (in alphabetical order): Current, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fox 59, IndyStar, Ink Free News, Inside Indiana Business, KPC News, Local News Digital, MDJ Online, Monticello Herald Journal, Princeton Daily Clarion, South Bend Tribune, Times Union Online, The Times of Northwest Indiana, Tristate Homepage, WANE, WBIW, WDRB,WFIE, WIBC, WISH-TV, WKVI, WLKY, WRBI, WRTV, WTHR, WXIX, 95.3 MNC.
More information about the statewide random sample testing.
Has Data Prepared Indiana for a COVID-19 Resurgence?
Matt Browning has worked alongside Fairbanks School of Public Health faculty and alumni in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Browning utilizes the healthcare data and information available from IHA members and governmental agencies to serve as a strategic resource for Indiana Hospitals. The data helps organizations develop strategic plans, growth strategies, business plans, and emergency response plans.
Dr. Menachemi Provides Opportunities Created by COVID-19 in Keynote Manuscript
Dr. Nir Menachemi was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the Riley Hospital Surgical Research Day. Given the pandemic, Dr. Menachemi was invited to be senior author on a keynote manuscript for the abstract book of research that was created in lieu of the in-person conference.
Contact Tracing Provides MPH Graduate With Public Health Experience
During the day, Sonya Lawrence is a bailiff for Marshall Circuit Court in Marshall County, Indiana. Outside of the court, she serves in a different capacity, as a contact tracer at the Indiana State Department of Health.
Blood Donations Needed
Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, Versiti, the Blood Center of Indiana, has an immediate need for blood donors to ensure a safe supply.Learn more about how to donate blood.
Share Your Story
The coronavirus pandemic has led to a myriad of public health efforts that can easily go unnoticed. If you have volunteered, worked on a project, conducted research, or completed any unique effort related to COVID-19, and would like to share it with the Fairbanks School of Public Health, we would love to hear from you.
The impact you make goes far and can inspire others!
Students: How Can We Support You?
The best part of our school is you. Each of you chose public health and health administration because you wanted to make a difference in the world. We hope you will take a minute to let us know how we can support you during these unprecedented times.
View Previous Issues of This Newsletter
This is the fourth issue of our COVID-19 update newsletter. Previous issues of our newsletter are available on our website.
If you believe you have COVID-19
IU Health has launched a virtual clinic to offer individuals in Indiana regardless of age free Coronavirus (COVID-19) screenings using the IU Health Virtual Visit app. Staffed 24/7 with IU Health physicians, advance practice providers and registered nurses, the clinic will screen patients from home, potentially eliminating the need to visit physician offices, urgent cares or emergency departments.