Thomas Miller
- Title:
- State Health Officer
- State:
- Alabama
- Appointment date:
- November 1, 2015
- Departure date:
- April 5, 2019
- Tenure months:
- 41
- Tenure years:
- 3.42
- Governors:
- Robert Bentley (R)
This searchable database provides individual State Health Official (SHO) information and profiles. The database currently includes information for more than 1,300 SHOs going back to the earliest SHOs in US history.
Data fields include: SHO names and official titles, appointment and departure dates, and SHO tenure in both months and years. Profiles of those SHOs who served within the last 50 years (since 1967) include SHO educational credentials as well as the name(s) of the governor(s) they served under and their governor’s respective political affiliations.
This database was meticulously constructed by hand-searching historical paper documents, internet references, and through support from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), individual state health departments, and the de Beaumont Foundation. It is the intention that this historical repository will serve to foster and facilitate SHO collaboration and mentorship opportunities across the SHO community.
Search for all SHOs in a specific year (e.g., 2019) and/or search for an individual’s name (e.g. Smith) in the search box below. The dropdown menu for states will filter SHOs from the selected state only and present the list in reverse chronological order.
Should any errors be found, please contact Valerie Yeager at vyeager@iu.edu and, if possible, include information to be revised in the database. For more information on the assumptions and formulas used in the appointment and departure date data, please contact Valerie Yeager at the email provided.
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1352 results found
Thomas Miller
Donald Ellis Williamson
Claude Earl Fox, III
Ira Lee Myers
Daniel Gordon Gill
Burton Forsyth Austin
Burton Forsyth Austin
James Norment Baker
Stuart Graves
Douglas Launeese Cannon
Douglas Launeese Cannon
Samuel Wallace Welch
William Henry Sanders
Jerome Cochran
Jay Butler
Ward Hurlburt
Jay Butler
Deborah Erickson
Richard Mandsager
Douglas Bruce
Karen Pearson
Peter Nakamura
Al Zangri
Katherine A. Kelley
Elizabeth Ward