Master of Health Administration—Master of Public Health
Master of Health Administration—Master of Public Health
MHA-MPH dual degree
To complete this dual degree, you will take a combination of public health core courses, MHA and MPH courses, public health electives, and public health practical experience courses that together total 63 credits.
Please note that students in this dual degree must adhere to the academic standing guidelines associated with each individual degree program to meet school and program accreditation standards. Each degree requires a 3.0 GPA, but MPH designated courses require a B or better while MHA courses require a C or better to count toward degree completion. MPH courses are indicated in the curriculum with (*).
PBHL-P 510 Introduction to Public Health*
PBHL-P 500 Social and Behavioral Science in Public Health*
PBHL-P 551 Biostatistics for Public Health*
PBHL-P 519 Env’t Science in Public Health*
PBHL-P 517 Fundamentals of Epidemiology*
PBHL-P 504 U.S. Healthcare Sys. & Health Policy*
PBHL-H 507 Human Resources and Organizational Behavior in Health Administration
PBHL-H 508 Managing Healthcare Accounting for Decision Making
PBHL-H 509 Financial Management Principles of Healthcare
PBHL-H 514 Health Economics
PBHL-H 516 Health Care Services Delivery and the Law
PBHL-H 521 Management Sciences for Health Services Administration